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Nicole Jeffers wins 2018 Young Professional of the Year Award

August 2, 2018      

Tags: Transportation, Awards, Our People

Nicole Jeffers headshot.

The three associates who nominated Nicole Jeffers for the 2018 Young Professional of the Year award agree: she is a leader among her peers – conscientious, hard-working, upbeat and collaborative. Niki, who works in the Orlando, Fla., office, leads the office’s tolls design group, as part of its Transportation-Infrastructure Practice.

Niki began her career as an intern at RS&H in 2003 before being hired the following year full-time.

“I have not seen a young engineer progress as fast in our field than the way she has ,” said nominator Renato Gonzalez. “I have supervised young engineers for over 30 years and honestly believe that Niki has been the brightest and most dependable engineer that I have worked with in my career.”

Renato is not alone in that belief.

“Niki is truly deserving of this award and epitomizes the level of talent that RS&H needs to recognize,” said fellow nominator Jesse Forst.

For her part, Niki says she remains at RS&H because of the opportunities she has received – and because of those who have mentored her.

“I was hired as an intern when I was still going to school, and it was Renato and Jesse who interviewed and hired me,” said Niki. “And when Jesse moved to Jacksonville and Eddy Gonzalez took over, Eddy became a mentor and has been incredibly supportive.”

Niki says she loves RS&H’s combination of small office feel and big, exciting projects.

“I also feel like it’s a company that cares about its employees, and that matters a lot,” said Niki. “I have two very young daughters, and as I’ve transitioned into that role, I’ve been very supported in being able to find that work-life balance.”

Niki says receiving this award has been an honor, “especially considering our impressive pool of talent.

“I couldn’t do it without the team around me here or without the incredible mentors and supervisors that I’ve had,” she says.

That team includes the young associates she now mentors, marking a career come full circle.

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