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[Webinar] Federal Resources for Highway Infrastructure Resilience

December 27, 2022      By Tom Everett, Jim Avitabile, PE, DBIA

Tags: Transportation

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Since 1980, the United States has sustained 332 weather and climate disasters, and individual events, like Hurricane Ian, will likely exceed $10 billion. The total cost of these disasters exceeds $2.27 trillion.

How do you address the continued impact of climate change on our nation’s infrastructure? How do you mitigate the impact of these events? What funding is available to help public agencies stay resilient to natural disasters, climate change and aging infrastructure?

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Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the four approaches to mitigate impacts and increase the resilience of our transportation systems.
  • Explore the IIJA programs that will help your agency mitigate the impacts of climate change and increase the resilience of surface transportation.

Download our Federal Resources for Highway Infrastructure Resilience White Paper

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