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Increasing Equity in Transportation Infrastructure Projects

June 15, 2023      By Galina Leiphart

Tags: Transportation

Equity is not just an important factor for transportation systems, but a necessary one. Transportation equity seeks fairness in mobility and accessibility to meet the needs of all community members. Various factors can contribute to disparities in transportation, including race, income, disabilities and geography. As an industry, we collectively need to consider transportation equity through all phases of a project so that our infrastructure serves the needs of all community members. 

Developing and implementing an equitable transportation plan can gauge the needs of community members and consider how a project will affect a community’s needs for mobility and connectivity. Then, in turn, this information can be used to determine the variety of mobility solutions that we need to implement to create an equitable transportation network. 

Quick Reference: Increasing Equity in Transportation Infrastructure Projects

In this quick reference guide, uncover how equity can be incorporated into these four phases of a project:

  • Grant Procurement
  • Engagement
  • Planning & Implementation
  • Construction Management

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Transportation systems are a vital part of our society and are the primary connectors that bring our communities together.  From new guidelines to increasing investments, we’re moving towards a more equitable transportation system for all, but we all need to remember that equity must continue to stay at the forefront of every project.  

To learn more about our work in this area, visit our transportation page. 

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