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Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel

Project Details



Hampton, VA

Client / Owner

Virginia Department of Transportation

Focus Areas & Services


1.5 miles of bridge widening

Approximately 7,000 linear feet of 30-40 foot subaqueous bored tunnel

Delivery Method

Public-Private Partnership

Construction Value

$3.3 billion

RS&H is providing construction management administration and project controls oversight for the largest transportation project in Virginia, The Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (HRBT) P3 contract. It is an important and strategic corridor in this region. At the mouth of The Chesapeake Bay, HRBT carries the only interstate out of the region to Richmond, Baltimore, and Washington, DC. The water way it crosses is the only navigational channel coming in and out of the Port of Virginia and Naval Station Norfolk, the largest Naval Station in the World.

Work includes approximately nine miles of interstate widening, including three miles of bridge replacement/reconstruction, one and a half miles of bridge widening, and approximately 7,000 LF of 30’ to 40’ foot subaqueous bored tunnel. Interstate widening included converting existing four and six lane sections to eight lanes. The new tunnels and their approach bridges will accommodate four lanes of traffic for a total of eight lanes of capacity across the water. The design includes new tunnels just west of the existing crossing which will carry eastbound general-purpose and High Occupancy Toll (HOT) traffic. The existing eastbound tunnel will be converted to carry westbound HOT traffic. In addition to the new tunnels, this project will also add new trestles, and replace the existing trestles connecting the tunnels to the landside improvements.  

The project will widen the landside four-lane sections of I-64 in Hampton as well as the four-lane sections of I-64 in Norfolk to 6 full-time lanes (4 will be free general-purpose lanes and 2 will be variably priced HOT lanes) plus 2 variably priced HOT part-time shoulder lanes that can be used for periods of extremely heavy congestion. Thirty (30) interstate bridge structures will be rehabilitated or rebuilt, and additional improvements include new sound barrier walls, lighting, and drainage. 

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The project team provided an unmatched level of commitment, expertise, and experience crucial to the execution of this unique project in a condensed nine-month timeline. The entire team worked tirelessly to deliver this unique project and restore a vital transportation network to the city.

Nighttime view of West Seattle Bridge from ground level.

The Lesner Bridge is arguably Virginia Beach's signature bridge and boasts an average annual daily traffic (AADT) count of over 20,000 vehicles. The City of Virginia Beach set a goal to produce a bridge with a 100-year lifespan that incorporated new aesthetics and safety measures.


RS&H is currently providing routine bridge and culvert inspection and load rating for NCDOT on a statewide basis.
